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Camp Connect Ages 13-18

Each week Camp Connect incorporates exploration of specified learning topics, two volunteer opportunities, community activities planned around the weekly theme and an activity that will be repeated throughout the week. Additional community outings that appeal to a wider variety of interests may also be incorporated. 

Program Dates & Cost

Camp Connect is designed for autistic teens (ages 13-18) that will be able to participate successfully with a 1:3 staff to participant ratio and have a functional form of communication. The cost for the camp is $325 for a 5-day week plus $30 for an ARC membership.


This year, ARC is making changes to the structure of Camp Connect. Participants will now be able to sign up for individual weeks and are not required to register for a two-week block. The learning time in the morning will no longer be focused solely on social skill development, and instead will include themed teachings on varying topics relevant to preparing for an upcoming transition into adulthood.

Monday, July 8 - Friday, July 12 - ($325)

Self-Advocacy | Swimming | Get Creative

Learning Topic: Self-Advocacy

  • As part of the learning topic of “Self Advocacy” teens will engage in activities to better understand their own needs and preferences; this will be used as a starting point to discuss ways to advocate for oneself across various settings. Participants will have the opportunity to learn strategies to communicate assertively and develop scripts that can be used for self-advocacy purposes.


Activity Theme: Get Creative!

  • Within the theme of ‘Get Creative’, teens will explore art through a variety of mediums with added opportunities to get into the community to check out galleries and installations. We will find other ways to get creative, too!


Recurring Activity: Swimming

  • Swimming at various City of Regina facilities will be incorporated into the week.

2024 Camp Connect Registration Information

Summer Program Regisraton

Registration is now closed for 2024

"Camp Connect gave me a gift of friendship that I haven’t had in 10 years, one that I want to hold onto throughout my life. I need to thank you for that”

-Camp Connect Participant - 

Thank you to the following partners for helping to make our high quality programming possible

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